November Recap

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^^not to self

In comparison to October, November was pretty low key and bland. Aside from Thanksgiving, I didn’t do a whole lot other than go to work and chill at home. In all honesty, free weekends lately have been freaking me out. Without much family or friends in Dallas, I get super anxious when I think of having “too much” free time. I also think I might be the only person in the world who tears up at the thought of a completely free Sunday….

As the month of November approached, I felt very uneasy about the amount of alone time I had coming up. I wasn’t going to see my boyfriend or parents for a month and my roommate was going out of town one of the weekends. Upon realizing that I had no control over whether or not I would see loved ones in the upcoming weeks, I decided to make a list of things I’ve been wanting to do/needing to get done but haven’t had time.

I am VERY type A and get a high level of satisfaction from crossing things off my to-do list. Therefore, think of this post as basically me showing you what I accomplished on my short to-do list and how, even though I was very lonely at times, made it through a month of spending time alone.

  • I put a deposit down on a cockapoo puppy (!!!!) I’m attaching a picture of what I hope she will look like because I like to set expectations that may or may not be reached.

Stunning cockapoo GIRL READY NOW | Brigg, Lincolnshire | Pets4Homes

  • I posted this recipe for really good pumpkin oat muffins (actually planning on making another batch of these tonight!)



  • I drove an hour to spend a weekend in the middle of the country at my grandparent’s house and experienced a lot of “unplugging”.


  • I used my free time to attend a few more SoulCycle classes


  • I watched way too much football.#WhoDat


  • I’m halfway through Kayla Itsine’s Bikini Body workout program and it is successfully kicking my butt. I also joined my mom and sister for a stadium and track workout at my old high school and my calves were sore for 4 days….


  • I celebrated the best holiday ever, aka Thanksgiving, at home with my family. Most of the Wednesday before was spent baking 4 different types of pies – cinnamon pumpkin, Mexican chocolate pecan, regular pecan, and apple. I also will confess that I ate probably an entire pie all by myself in the weekend following Thanksgiving and I have no regrets.


I think that about sums up the random events that took place during November 2017. Other than going home for Thanksgiving, nothing was too eventful but I did get a lot of ish done, including all of my Christmas shopping!

I also wanted to leave with a post a quote I saw on Instagram. I know loneliness all too well and this one really hit home for me.


November was not my best month, I will admit. But I want to try and make December better so that I end 2017 with a bang!

Happy December 1st and Happy Friday – have a great weekend!

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